Today we have some very exciting news!
For a few years now we have been doing a program called “Nourishing the Needy”; a ministry in which we provide milk for babies here that are in need. Maybe their mother has died, and the family needs to care for them; maybe the parents have cholera, and the mother is not well enough to nurse; or perhaps the mother has another ongoing physical condition that prevents nursing.
Whatever the situation has been, we have seen tremendous results from this program. Today we have a more interactive, enjoyable way for you to learn about, and be involved in, the program!
Before, we would send out small information cards to our supporters; now you can just come online and get current information, pictures and updates, all on our new site. Information will be updated as often as possible, usually monthly, so you can check up on the little one you’re supporting. We have some extra stuff on there too: information on how the program works, and a donation button for those of you who just want to make a one-time donation to support the program.
Check it out, get informed and get involved! The fact is, we would love to branch this program out to something much bigger than it is… but we need people to support the babies in order to do that!
So click the link below, bookmark it in your favorites, and help us feed these little babies in need. AND- please forward a link to your friends that may be interested in helping, so that they too can have the opportunity to reach out to these precious little ones- in a substantive way!
God bless you for your interest!
Note: if you experience problems viewing this new site, try opening it up using Google Chrome. Not all the features work with Explorer or Firefox…