Update by Miranda

June Update Hello everyone! It’s hard to believe another month is almost finished. This month I want to give you a little snap shot of a day at the clinic. Our day begins with devotions with the clinic staff. We sing one song together and then have prayer. Everyone prays their own prayer out loud […]

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Update from Stan

I think it’s impossible to describe everything that happens here in a month. There are highs as you see God grant healing, and change weather, and show up in so many little ways. There’s the joy of seeing new life enter the world. And there’s the heartbreak of the limitations of the medical system here,

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Update by Loveda

Hello from the mountains of Haiti, where life remains predictably unpredictable. A country where prime ministers and gang leaders rise and fall in power, an international airport closes for weeks on end, missionaries and nationals with a passport and some cash evacutate, ships postpone their plans to dock and unload desperately needed food and fuel,

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Update by Miranda

Hello Everyone!My name is Miranda Wenger and I am from Lancaster County, PA. I arrived in Haiti on January 24th, so I have been here for about two months now. I am enjoying the variety of things I get to help with in the clinic. I started out in the pharmacy and I have recently

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Update by Alayna

The machine (UTV) bounced and jolted as we sped along the trail. I braced myself in the back, trying desperately to keep the 2-day-old baby in my arms protected from the jostling and the wind. We were headed out to meet the helicopter as fast as we could. The baby’s mom had come in on

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Update by Loveda

“Ou ka chita la, si ou vle.” I said, setting a chair down beside the hospital bed. A twelve pound one-year-old boy lay on a white sheet covering the bed in the corner of our hospital room. His mom sank into the chair, her clothes dripping from her journey here in the rain. A relative

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Update by Mackenzie

Hello everyone! Let me tell you a heart breaking story that happened a couple weeks ago! As I was sitting at my desk having appointments with different children on the milk and malnutrition programs, Frè Noes came and told me they needed me outside! He led me outside and there I met a broken hearted

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Update from Jacinda

Two births, two emergency runs, two days and two outcomes.. 2:13 Friday morning, after less than 2 hrs of sleep, I wake up to Loveda calling my name, “Jacinda, there is a lady in labor. She is at 8 cm and her contractions are 3-4 minutes apart”. In my sleepy state I voice my confused

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Update from Mackenzie

02/09/2023 Some people don’t believe in God because of the suffering in this world. I was thinking about that and came to the conclusion that God is not the one who causes suffering. It is because of the fall. We are sinners, and the world is not perfect anymore. I saw one of my little

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Update from Marla

This post is written by Marla, almost a month ago and I made a mistake and didn’t get it posted. I’m sorry. Enjoy her words almost a month late. ☺️ It’s December and only a couple days away from Christmas and vacation! We’re trying to wrap the year up, and with end of year cleaning

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