Yesterday (after the clinic was closed) a lady and man came over to Steve’s house, needing some medical attention. The lady had a very bad cut on her shin that was about 3 inches across and pretty deep. They claimed that she had fallen onto a rock…
Ugh… looked like it hurt pretty bad! |
Thea took the job of stitching it closed. After cleaning it out, she began the tedious work. |
She started by numbing the area with local anesthesia. |
Then she went to work! After a few stitches, she noticed something was wrong with her needle… The lady’s skin was so thick and leathery, the needle had bent!! |
After about 30 minutes of painstaking work, it was all finished up! Good job Thea… |
After closing the wound up, the general area needed to be cleaned and have a bandage put over it. |