Over the weekend there were several expecting mothers that came in. One of them had the baby before she could make it here, so they had to grab a stretcher and carry her from the trail. Once she arrived, the baby began to have seizures because of extreme low blood sugar. Apparently it wasn’t born with a “reserve” of glucose in it’s system and therefore had to be fed a special solution immediately. Once it had some in it’s system, it did very well. Baby and mother were both sent home safely on Monday.
The other woman had to be picked up on the trail also, but thankfully we got to her before the baby arrived! Once we could get her into the clinic to examine here, the nurses realized that there were some serious complications. So we sent her out to the Ti Guave hospital, where they have all the necessary equipment for situations like that. We haven’t heard how she turned out yet…
Also yesterday, a man came in, borne on a stretcher, unable to walk. He had a fever and back pains. It was determined he had malaria, in addition to an inner infection. He was treated and sent home to recover.