It’s rainy, cold and very windy here today. Apparently there’s a tropical storm blowing over and Its giving me the feels of a snow storm in Wiscinsin and I’m being tempted to make fresh donuts to go with my coffee…and then I think of my friends. Some of them live in secure houses but few of them stay totally dry in a rainstorm and very few of their houses are safe in a strong wind storm. Now I’m not hungry for donuts and the reality of all the HARD that my friends experience sits in my gut. 

My days here In Haiti are winding down and the memories and all the deep feelings well up in my eyes and roll down my cheeks easily. I think of the many many things I’ve experienced here and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I don’t feel like I’ve done much for this place but Haiti and it’s people have taught me so much and I’ll forever be thankful that God allowed me to come here and experience the raw beauty and also the hard. I’ve seen miracles, and Gods love and grace in powerful ways. 

I think of the man who told me none of his family ate anything yesterday because they’re out of money, I see the witchdoctor and think of the chains that bind her, I see the grief in the mom’s eyes when I told her that her young child had died, I see the malnourished children with big bellies and dehydrated sunken in sad eyes. I hear the young new father crying out In helpless prayer for his wife as she suffers. I see him fall to his knees in distress. I see the dark and scared eyes and can only imagine what is behind them. I saw the blind widow who very few people seem to care about. I smell rotten wounds and I see blood, I see IV fluids hanging above the beds of the sick. 

On the other hand, there is so much beauty. I think of the beautiful little cleft palate baby who was able to get surgery last week. Her parents were married for 9 years and unable to have children before her. Seeing them choose to love and accept her is so beautiful. 

The newborns first cry is a favorite of mine and after many many births, I still get teary sometimes when I hear it. There are many other things I could mention, but I think I’ll leave it at that for now. Once again, thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for us. We need it every day. 

-Mis Emma.

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