Hello Everyone!
My name is Miranda Wenger and I am from Lancaster County, PA. I arrived in Haiti on January 24th, so I have been here for about two months now. I am enjoying the variety of things I get to help with in the clinic. I started out in the pharmacy and I have recently started helping with the blood pressure program as well.
In my short time here, I have had so many new experiences. Some of those experiences have been amazing, such as witnessing births of healthy babies, seeing improvements in wound healing, and seeing prayers answered for the health of patients. Other experiences have been so hard, such as stillborn births or the environment not allowing me to help patients dying from curable diseases.
Through theses times, God has been teaching me a greater understanding of His love. Understanding more of the greatness of His love for me that is not dependent on my abilities, is helping me to be a better channel of His love to those around me. God has also been teaching me to remain soft. In good times that brings praise to God to my lips. In hard times it allows me to feel the pain and run to God for strength and answers. Thank you all for your prayers and support!

Me, holding a baby who was born at clinic

Each morning, there is a short devotions time for all the patients who will be seen that day.

House call to this elderly man’s house