December update

Greetings to you all,
I have the honor of writing the update for December. This month has been eventful and busy with the various events and projects that were completed. The first two weeks of the month were fairly mundane (If there’s even such a thing at clinic.) and things went smoothly. Right around the time the clinic was about to close, we had two emergency runs to the larger hospital 4 hours away. The first transport was for an elderly lady who was having stomach pain and was unable to travel to the hospital any other way. The second transport was for a lady in active labor who was only 7 months along in her term and she needed to be transported if the baby was to have a chance at life. We don’t have the appropriate equipment here at clinic to care for such a little child. Clinic closed on Friday the 20th of December. We had a party with all of the clinic staff & employees. It was a great time of connecting and looking over the past year, of all the accomplishments each person has done as well as looking forward to the next year.

Over the next few days, numerous emergencies came to clinic. Some of the emergencies were breathing problems and sick people. Others were ladies in active labor or progressing along to that point. We had quite a few babies born this month. Two of the babies required resuscitation (rescue breaths) immediately after being born. It’s always so rewarding when you’re able to make an immediate difference in a patient’s life, especially when it’s bringing life to a little child that was just born.

A new team member was arrived!! We are happy to welcome Danny Weaver to the team here. He comes from Lancaster, PA and will be the mechanic/maintenance guy taking Andys’ place. I’m sure you’ll hear from him soon in one of the next few updates.
The last few days of the month consisted of cleaning and painting clinic. Rhonda’s children (a local family in the area) were able to come and help 2 days and that greatly helped speed up the overall project so much. We’re so grateful for their help. In the midst of all the cleaning, we were able to take time to celebrate Christmas and had a great time together exchanging gifts and celebrating the birth of Christ. The last Sunday of the month was a special Sunday at the Haitian church. There were a few special singing groups as well as a meal after the service for everyone. The church building was very full and well attended.

Looking forward; the team here will spend the first week of January on vacation on a small Island. It will be a good time to let go of the stresses that come with clinic/compound life and will also be a great time of connection for the team. I am leaving for the States as my term is up. Miranda will be flying back from her furlough and joining up with the team on the way to vacation.
Please continue to pray for peace and God’s will to be done in the country of Haiti. Also, pray for the team here. That they would not feel overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities while being short-staffed, that they could lean fully into God when times are hard, and that God’s light could shine brightly to the local people around them. Travis.

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