Hello everyone! Let me tell you a heart breaking story that happened a couple weeks ago! As I was sitting at my desk having appointments with different children on the milk and malnutrition programs, Frè Noes came and told me they needed me outside! He led me outside and there I met a broken hearted father holding two tiny tiny babies. I led them inside to sit and talk to them. Trying to hold back the tears, he told me how his wife gave birth to twins twenty days ago and had died yesterday. I discovered the mom had an incurable disease that the babies likely had as well. We put them in the milk program, gave them money for food and motos to go to Ti Guave for testing. This family also has another set of twins: 3 year old girls. The twin baby girl and boy each weighed four pounds. Rhonda, from Light on the Mountain (a mission not far from us) agreed to take care of the babies for a couple months and help them get started! This dear family escaped Port au Prince and now does not have family members around them to help them. I am so grateful Rhonda agreed to take care of them as we provide milk for the babies. As you think of it, please pray for this family! Another afternoon, we went to visit an elderly man that was bedridden and in need of a urinary catheter change. We had gone last week but due to complications called our Doctor, so we went again this week to check on him. As we walked up the trail to his house, there were quite a few people outside on a concrete pad. I asked about it and found out he had died on Thursday. I walked in and sat on a makeshift bed beside his wife. She tearfully talked to me about how we worked so tirelessly to help him and with such patience! I left sad and also happy for the man who suffered so long knowing he was in a better place now! As I think over these stories of heart ache, it is easy to feel guilty how I can live such an easy life. I feel like I need to be able to help more, but God is reminding me that he has me here where I am for a reason. All I need to do is rest in the fact that I can only do the things that he wants me to do around me, and that may be doing the mundane, everyday tasks that God wants me to do. Thank you for your support and prayers. We appreciate them! Continue to pray for more staff to come serve here.
Mis Mackenzie