As most of you must have noticed,I am not an avid blogger. It doesn’t help that I have tried blogging for a nearly a week and the internet is too slow. So here is my final attempt to blog about our 10 day dentist clinic experiance.I wrote one blog and lost it so now I […]
Full Days, Full Moons, and Full Hearts
If you are one of those people that scoff at the notion that there are more births around full moon, then please disregard my belief in said notion as the result of too many nights with lost sleep due to too many births around full moon. We have had a rush of births in the
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This morning I checked the calendar to see who was on call. Realization struck that maybe I should consider blogging again. All day I have been scratching my brain for an inspiration but, it has been slow in coming. We have had busy clinic days. I should have lots to write about but, it seems the
A Day of Rest (or not)
Sunday morning. A time to sleep in a bit, drink coffee, leisure in the knowledge that today is a day for rest…spend a little extra time reading your bible and praying, eat a good breakfast – maybe just spend a little time on the swing reveling in the beauty of the morning. That’s what I
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Creepy, Crawly creatures
….. and smelly wounds. This is what Mali and our crew were greeted with several days ago. Fre Noras came to the clinic Monday morning very disturbed about a little old man he had went to visit on the weekend. He described to us how he had worms crawling out of his wound. That very
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A Wrestling Match
…albeit not a very fair one, as it involved six people against one hip. One very stubbornly dislocated hip that took all we had to put back in its rightful place! I’d seen this little old man carried in earlier in the morning to the clinic by a rather jolly looking younger fellow who
Broken Heads and Breaking Hearts
Once upon a time….a not-so-very-long time ago….last night, to be exact. We were sharing a peaceful evening of counting pills around the table, when – in a rather non-peaceful manner – there was a knock at the gate. Somebody that was a relative of somebody else had gotten beat up by something somewhere. Don’t laugh.
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The Still Small Voice
“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psa. 46:10). The crashing thunder, the stars in the evening sky, the creeping caterpillar, are all signs of God’s creation. He has created these for His glory and honour but do I take the time to stop and enjoy it? Do I stop and listen to what
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Thursday morning started out calm and in routine. Walking to clinic, I felt genuinely excited to see what another day holds. I went to clinic early to restock the pharmacy and prepare for my day. After stocking the pharmacy, several of us were chatting in the exam room, when Mali came running in with little
Patients and Patience
You know the kind of morning when you feel like you spend all your energy just getting up and going? Well, this morning was one of those mornings. “Oh well, tomorrow’s Friday.” I thought gratefully. I plodded tiredly out the gate and paused for a second, taking a deep breath in preparation for the
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