Peace, Perfect Peace

There are two little boys who come to see me quite often. I call them “my boys”. 🙂 Recently, they wanted me to come visit them and their Grandpa. So, one afternoon a bunch of us went to visit them. We had a wonderful time talking, and listening to the little old man talk. His hearing is very bad so we all had to smile when we had to repeat ourselves a couple times, getting louder every time. 🙂 They thanked us over and over for taking the time to come visit them, and sent us home with lots of fruit as a gift.

The very next morning the little Grandpa came to see us at Clinic. We asked him if he needed anything, and he said “My head hurts, can you control my blood pressure?” We checked it, and it was normal. The smile on his face got brighter and he said “Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus!”. After talking a little more, he was soon on his way home, and very happy!
  Sometimes we have patients come in who don’t need more than a listening ear. They don’t have any medical problem. May our lives be shining Christ’s love to each person we come in contact with.

After 3 weeks without any baby’s born at clinic, I woke up Thursday morning with this feeling that that was going to change. I was the one scheduled to be in charge of the next birth. Clinic had just gotten going good when I was told a laboring mother just showed up. She was pretty far along so I guessed that the baby would arrive in the night. We had just finished supper when we got word that our 2nd laboring mother was on the way. After arriving at clinic, I knew it wasn’t going to be very long till the baby was here. Soon a little girl was born! Shortly after she was born I knew something wasn’t normal. Her stomach was huge, and her lower extremities weren’t normal at all. I prayed that God’s will be done in this little girls life, even if it meant taking her home to be with him. I had such a peace. She lived for just over 12hrs and then God took her home. My hurt heart so bad for the parents, it was their first baby.

  If you keep track of how births around here work, you’ve already guessed this but…we got our 3rd laboring mother this morning! We always say that when you get one, you might as well expect that the second and/or third one are on their way! 😉
On Friday, just after clinic was finished, Alyssa ran into the hospital room just in time to deliver the baby of laboring-mother-number-two!

Kayla, Rachel and I delivered the 3rd baby just after 5:00.
All three little girls. 1 was a little angel, the other 2, beautiful little girls to stay!

-Mis Ellamae

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