Update from Stan

I think it’s impossible to describe everything that happens here in a month. There are highs as you see God grant healing, and change weather, and show up in so many little ways. There’s the joy of seeing new life enter the world. And there’s the heartbreak of the limitations of the medical system here, the scarcity of Doctors, and poverty that limits care in ways you wouldn’t give a second thought about in the States. There’s the regular patients that you see on a weekly or monthly basis, and many of them become friends! It can be a challenge sometimes to remember the positives, in the midst of culture differences, but so rewarding when you can give those things to God, and just love the people around you. Here’s a couple of things from the last month to give a snapshot into what happens here.

This man came in with a broken back, paralyzed from the waist down. We got him situated for transport as best we could, and I headed out for Fond Des Blanc. 10 min after leaving there was dark storm clouds and rain not far ahead. I sent out a quick message for prayer, and the clouds seemed to part as I drove. We made it to the hospital dry 3 hrs later, only to discover they no longer have a Dr. there that could help him, as many have left the country, with worsening conditions around the country. They wouldn’t admit him there, and we need to find somewhere else to go. We went from feeling blessed by answered prayer, and full of hope that we would soon be at a hospital that could potentially help him, to the grim realization that we would have to go 3 hrs back up the rough trail and try to find another option. We spent the next couple days looking for something, but the only potential option was in Port Au Prince, which is filled with gang violence.
With the helicopter transportation unavailable, and gangs controlling the ground routes around port, along with the trouble and violence there, he and his family made the decision not to try and go there. He went home a couple days later, with our wheelchair we had here, facing lifetime paralysis. He’s 37 yrs old, and has a wife and 2 kids. When I see these situations, it makes me long for the day when suffering will be over, and we can live with Christ free from the pain and suffering still experienced here. It can seem hopeless, but maybe he caught a glimpse of Christ in the days that he spent here and will come to know Him. With Christ there is always hope, and that is the only true answer for the suffering in Haiti. Pray for his salvation if you think of it.

These twins were born last week, the boy was born at home prior to coming in, and his sister joined the world a few hours after the arrived here. Bathing and dressing a newborn, and giving them their first snuggles is one of the highlights here, amongst so much of the other suffering that we see on a daily basis.
Loveda taking a 5 yr old boy for a short walk. He care in the day before unconscious from some sort of infection. After IV antibiotic treatment, he rapidly improved and was discharged 2 days later.
A 3rd baby for the day decided to make his presence in the world that afternoon:)
Silvia comes down once in awhile to help out too:)
A cut leg that I stitched up on Monday. He cut it 3 days before, but nobody brought him in, as his parents are both dead. Somebody finally came in with him, it took plenty of cleaning, to get it suitable to stitch. The ignorance of wound care and hygiene can be so frustrating sometimes, but it makes having a clinic,that much more rewarding and necessary.
An elderly man that had a stroke. Although he was mostly paralyzed, he didn’t lose his sense of humor or presence of mind as he would laugh at things through a crooked smile:) There’s not really much further stroke care to be had in Haiti, so most of the time it’s just monitoring and stabilizing for a few days, before going home and hopefully making somewhat of a recovery.

Living in Haiti, you can either let the poverty and darkness break you, or you can choose to share the Light, and love the people you come across. It’s not always easy, but it is rewarding, and seeing Gods light shine amidst the darkness, makes it all worth it. Stan

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