Update by Miranda

June Update

Hello everyone!

It’s hard to believe another month is almost finished. This month I want to give you a little snap shot of a day at the clinic.

Our day begins with devotions with the clinic staff. We sing one song together and then have prayer. Everyone prays their own prayer out loud and then one person finishes the prayer with a benediction. Then we shake hands with each other and say, “Bondye beni ou” or “God bless you”. While we are doing this, Frè Daniel leads the people waiting outside on the benches in a song and prayer.

The patients see Dirèk to get a number to be seen and to pay what they can for a consultation.

Kadet, Reynald, and Frè Daniel work to pull the patients’ charts and get their vital signs.

Each patient stops to get weighed by Frè Aldolph when they enter.

The patients’ charts are distributed to the doctor and nurses depending on their reason for coming to the clinic. We have a doctor at our clinic four days a week and he will have consultations with patients who have more serious problems. The nurses do consultations for less serious cases. We have specific people who do prenatal, hypertension, milk and malnutrition, and bandage consultations. Below Mis Lèda is doing a consultation with a patient.

Loveda sees the patients that come in for our milk and malnutrition program.

Stan is treating one of his bandage patients.

After the patients have been seen, their chart is taken to the pharmacy. The meds that were written for the patient are collected and then Zita and Therez explain to the patient how to correctly take their medications.

After they are finished, the patients begin their trek home. Some have a long way to go on foot. Many walk several hours to be seen at our clinic before the gate closes at noon.

There is so much more that goes into a clinic day and more people I didn’t mention, but I hope this gives you a small window into a day at our clinic.

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