A picture is worth a thousand words
Not many words needed She is such a cutie The Dad, Mom, and Baby, just ready to leave. They are the parents of 9 children-5 girls and 4 boys–a very sweet family.
A picture is worth a thousand words Read More »
Not many words needed She is such a cutie The Dad, Mom, and Baby, just ready to leave. They are the parents of 9 children-5 girls and 4 boys–a very sweet family.
A picture is worth a thousand words Read More »
Yesterday the clinic staff had a nice, “normal” day, with no real emergencies and difficult cases. Extreme injuries make for interesting blog posts, but they’re unfortunate for the individual and when so many come in so often, it can wear a person out! So it was great to have an average, uneventful morning at the
A wonderfully, normal day Read More »
Today was Mis Katie’s day on call. And it was quiet…at first. The first one and a half hours were spent chatting with random Hatians who passed by on the trail or stopped to talk. Occasionally, conversations were interrupted by the words, “Bon swa, zomi mwen.” (Good evening, my friend.) All at once, what should
A misdemeanor of the femur Read More »
It’s been very refreshing the last few days to literally have time to smell the roses! After 2 months of what seemed an extreme amount of emergencies and births, we’re getting a little break. I’m sure the hospital room will be full again soon enough, but for now we’ll enjoy the opportunity to visit friends
Time to smell the roses Read More »
This afternoon the nurses were summoned to the clinic to check out a little boy who was complaining about a bad cough and bloodshot eyes. His mother said he had the cough for a long time and had been coughing up some blood- now, however, the blood “moved into his eyes” she said. The poor
…A fresh new morning after the rain with an invigorating breeze… AND a big mug of Dominican coffee. Just what I needed after making it to my pillow sometime in the wee hours of the morning. My last week has been full of blood pressure and bandage patients and BABIES. My limited creole vocabulary is being stretched to the
A Glimpse into the life of Miss Katie Read More »
Saturday seemed to start plenty early for the nurses as we visited the clinic first at 1 am and then 4:30 to check on our lady in labor. After our 4:30 check, we decided we needed stay at the clinic so we settled ourselves in the nurses’ room where there is a bed for the
Like most anything there is the fun and undesirable, the pleasant and unpleasant, the sad and happy. This post involves both. (I hope you’re not getting tired of baby stories because I have more of them.) Baby who’s mother died–held by her uncle Do you remember the 4 tiny babies that we had at
Sad and Happy Stories Read More »
“Anita! Is that you?” I was tempted to breathe a sigh of relief, seeing that the head nurse was home again. And, of course, there was a lady who was in labor, waiting, too. Maybe she was breathing a sigh of relief, too! But, then Anita said,”Are you delivering this baby?” So I sucked
More help!!!!! New born!!!!! Update!!!!! Read More »
Good day to all you dear folks out there, that faithfully pray and support us here as we serve the many needs. The business and constant load of the last few days have left me totally exhausted and drained, being able to sleep is a dream that is always “almost ready to come true”!!!!!