This little boy came to us yesterday with all the signs of not receiving the proper nutrition. He is around 7 months old, and he was on mothers milk for only the first month of his life, after that they had him on regular milk, which is not a good thing to do, […]
“The Mystery” !!!
This morning when Anita and Rhoda came to the clinic there was a gentleman waiting for them by the name of Christian Gabriel. Hmmmmm, don’t often hear that name. What we could gather from his wife and those with him, he had fallen on Saturday night sometimes, details are few because no one
More sweet babies
Baby boy 6 lbs 3 oz, born at 3 am Friday Baby girl 6 lbs 3 oz, born 1:20 am Saturday The tired nurses with the little girl Baby girl 6 lbs 12 oz, born 4 pm Saturday Now if you noticed the times, we had 3 babies born at the clinic in a 37
Who’d have thought?
Who would have ever thought you could do this: Fall off your horse, cut open your eye lid, slice your bottom lip, scrape up your top lip, AND, get this: Disconnect your bottom lip from your gums/jaw inside. You can see all the way down in between his lip and gums (you can’t see the
Who’d have thought? Read More »
The Cry of the Abandoned, Can We All Hear The Cry????
Jistin’s Story Here is a sad story and I will try share it even though our hearts are hurting and feel very heavy for this little man. Jistin, (Name given by Vicson, the caretaker.) is between 18 and 20 months old, this morning at 9:30 his dad came and rattled the clinic gate and
The Cry of the Abandoned, Can We All Hear The Cry???? Read More »
Hurry, Hurry
Supper is just finished, and I’m thinking of spending a night with the other girls, when I hear Anita calling me to go with her to the clinic. Not thinking that anything much is up, I didn’t even grab a scrub top. We saw a couple ladies, one in labor, and a
A Few Pics
This young boy came in and could hardly swallow. Under his chin was very swollen. We put him on IV antibiotics and sent him home the next day doing much better. After delivering twins, this lady was carried into the clinic. The one baby was born dead, and the other was doing fine. We ended
Happy Faces
As I was greeted by this girl’s bright smile this morning, I resolved to share some happy faces with you all too! She is the one that had a really bad infection in her foot, who we sent down to T-Goave for further treatment. If you’ve been following the blog, you would have seen
Robbed and beat up
This morning started out with a beautiful, sunny walk to clinic. That is another wonderful benefit of our new location. We get about three minutes of sunshine every time we walk to work. And then, if we forget anything, we get to have another three minute walk back home. Just as I
Robbed and beat up Read More »
Ever get tired of baby pictures?
You guessed it, there was another birth at clinic. The lady came in late Sunday morning so we ended up spending the day there. Now that we’re at the new clinic, we can hang out in the nurses’ room or another room of the clinic and still be near enough to make frequent checks
Ever get tired of baby pictures? Read More »