Author name: Gospel to Haiti

Another baby…

Yesterday there was another baby born! Thankfully it was born around 3:30 in the afternoon instead of the middle of the night! It was a baby girl, weighed a mere 5.5lbs and entered into the world without any complications! Here she is! The proud father! The proud Grandmother! And the happy nurses! Unfortunately, the mother […]

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A busy day…

The large number of patients coming into the clinic continues; Within the last week the nurses saw over 400 people! People sitting outside, some waiting to be seen, some waiting for medicine,  others crowding around the pharmacy window. *** The nurses sterilize the medical instruments each month. Here are some shots of the tools they

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An accident with a pick…

This man, unfortunately, had an accident- an accident with a pick, that is. Yes, he was working in a garden crew and someone hit him with their pick and split his nose wide open!  (Please, no jokes about picking noses… 🙂 He came into the clinic Friday afternoon and Michael got right to work on

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The boy with the spliced ear…

Often we have patients come in with rock-related injuries; a rock fell on them, they fell onto a rock, some rocks gave way in their garden and they fell down the hillside… But none are more interesting than the stories which accompany the cases caused by thrown rocks: there is always some excuse, some reason,

The boy with the spliced ear… Read More »

Another busy day!

Yesterday was another big day at the clinic! We had over 75 people come through. Last week we discovered why so many people have been coming through lately… there was a clinic about 2 hours away that was turned into a CTC because of a local epidemic- so all the people that normally would go

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A major infection!

A few weeks ago a man appeared at the clinic with some cloths wrapped around his lower leg- he was limping and seemed to be in quite a bit of pain. When the cloths were taken away this is what they found… The man’s ankle was being eaten away by a huge infection- his whole

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I have seen many pictures of little children from African, India, even Haiti here, sitting in the streets, or in washtubs, severely malnourished with thin arms and swollen bellies- but never have I seen one up close with my own eyes- until now, that is. I was in my office doing some paperwork when someone

Malnutrition… Read More »

A Sad Case of Neglect

This child’s mother came to the clinic some time ago with what appeared to be congestive heart failure.  She was very sick and because of her illness had stopped nursing her baby.  We saw the baby then, but she seemed to be doing ok.  Now just recently they brought the baby in.  The little girl

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100 people!!

Today the clinic’s previous record of total consultations in a day (just over 70) was shattered, as the total amount of people seen today reached 100! When the nurses came to clinic around 9am there were already about 50 people waiting outside-  and more on the way! Amazingly enough, things went smooth for everyone and

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