Author name: Gospel to Haiti

A man with cholera…

Saturday morning (5th) an elderly man was brought to our gate by a group of about 20 people; Michael went out to see what was wrong and they told him the man had a seizure. So, we took him into the clinic and, seeing that he was severely dehydrated, gave an an IV or two.

A man with cholera… Read More »

Ouch… that must’ve hurt!

What happens when you are working to break up large rocks and one goes flying, smashing into your hand against another rock? This unfortunate man found out the hard way… The tip of his bone was actually sheared off by the rock’s impact. The tip of his finger was irreparable, so Michael decided to cut

Ouch… that must’ve hurt! Read More »

3 more babies at the clinic!

Over the last week or so there have been 3 babies born! The first baby’s mother had come in for a checkup before she went into labor; the nurses detected an irregular heartbeat in the baby, so they had her go out to town for an ultrasound and further checkup. She came back a few

3 more babies at the clinic! Read More »

A seriously broken leg!

As we were settling down for lunch one day, a group of Haitians showed up at the clinic, bearing a man on a stretcher. He had been at market nearby and a moto was coming through on the road; he tried to get out of the way, but wasn’t nimble enough and fell, landing right

A seriously broken leg! Read More »

A stitch job by Mis Joselaine

Yesterday a family brought their little girl into the clinic with blood dribbling down the side of her face. It appeared at first to be a small cut or puncture wound on the top of her head- but her hair was so thick it was hard to see how big it really was. After parting

A stitch job by Mis Joselaine Read More »

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