The boy with the lacerated lip…

The other night I was going into the generator room to do a few things when one of the ladies called out from Steve’s front porch. They said that I should get my camera.

It was getting dark, so I couldn’t really see what was going on up there on the porch. However, not asking any questions, I went into the house to get the camera. Proceeding to the porch at Steve’s house, I found Anita, Thea, and Shana inspecting a little boy…

The little boy had a bad cut on his upper lip, apparently from a fall.

So, after some deliberation, they decided to stitch it up!

Anita agreed to do the stitching, so they got right to it!

The little guy was very brave…

He hardly flinched, and didn’t even cry.
He seemed very interested in the camera… 🙂

Finally the last stitches went in. In all, he had 5 in his upper lip!

Though he hardly flinched at all durning the entire procedure, he still looked relieved to be done!

All finished! It all turned out very well. They went on their way joyfully 🙂
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