Big Boy

Clinic was almost over yesterday when I got the news that a lady in labor had just arrived.  As I finished what I was doing, Breanna began getting vitals and checking the lady.  It was a 19 year-old mother, first baby, and vitals for mom and baby looked good.  She was progressed enough that we didn’t go home, and a little later Rhoda went and got some lunch for us all.  Her advances were slow so we hung out in the pharmacy and kept an eye on her.  Baby finally came just before 7 pm.  The delivery went well, and Rhoda was soon bathing a healthy 8 lbs. 10 oz. baby boy!  
The nurses with the baby

Mama and Baby
Below is just another shot from the clinic this week.  Here is a little child who is under weight and hopefully can benefit from some of the supplements that CAM sends us

Little child getting Herbalife and Ensure
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