A ministry of love

For the last few months we’ve been doctoring a dear lady’s foot which was infected. The infection had become so bad her foot was literally rotting off on the one side (Don’t worry, no pictures of that…). After sending her to Ti Guave for treatment she has returned. Each evening she comes to have her […]

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The man with the gashed head…

It was dark. Supper was almost ready when there was a knock at the gate. As someone went out to see what the need was, they were greeted by a man with blood streaming down his head, dripping down onto his shoes. His colleague’s speech was slurred with drink, and neither of them could walk

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Cow cut…

Amongst the business yesterday, a man appeared with a towel wrapped around his arm. His problem? A large gash on his left arm, caused by a cow’s horns! Anita and Thea were about ready to go to the clinic for the day,  so they just stayed around to stitch him up. Checking blood pressure… Anita

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More Babies!

Seems like all Aleg has come out and decided to have their babies in December! We’ve had 3 births in the last few days, and another in progress right now! Thankfully, after having several hard cases, the last two have gone well, with no complications! Praise the Lord!! One of the ladies had to go

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A normal day at the Clinic!

People wait their turn outside, sitting on the wooden benches. As they are called inside, the patients have their blood pressure and weight charted. It’s very VERY hard work… 🙂Fre Direk takes a snooze towards the end of the day. This dear lady asked to have her picture taken.She was just so thrilled when she

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