Update from Loveda

Hello! My name is Loveda Lee, and I arrived here at GTH the middle of September to work in the clinic. I grew up in Ligonier, Indiana, but the past 7 years I’ve lived in Harrison, Arkansas, working as a CNA and Household Coordinator at Hillcrest Home. I enjoy working in the medical field, hanging […]

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Update from Mackenzie

October 4, 2022 Hello from the rolling mountains of Haiti! The last blog post I wrote was introducing myself and telling you a little about myself. Now I have lived in this beautiful but broken country for four months. I’ll tell you a couple lessons I learned in my first four months here. One lesson

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Update from Mis Marla

08/25/22 It was a fun light evening of sitting around boss’ kitchen table playing beans, drinking tea an eating fiber balls. When 9:30 rolled around, we came up and crashed in our own beds; but then there was a gate knock.  It sounded like a stitch job, so Mackenzie, Clyde and I went out and

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Hello! I am Mackenzie King! I came the end of May, so I have been here for a little over two months. I am 20 years old and am from Lancaster, PA. As a job, I worked at a local nursing home as a Certified Nursing Assistant and really enjoyed it!  I am doing the

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Every miracle often first starts with a problem. Or sometimes, approximately twenty seven and a half problems.  But God still does miracles. Millions of little miracles, and sometimes of you dare to pray the big prayers and let Him show up, you’ll see big miracles. Goose-bump giving big miracles.  On Monday a little boy was

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Hello! I’m Marla Zimmerman from Northern IA. I’ve been here for 8 weeks now.  I Work in the pharmacy and help out where I can. I have a lot to learn but I’m thankful for the training I got at MMI before I came, it give me a head start on a lot of things. 

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Update by Mis Emily

“What an incredible honor we have, to help their hurting bodies but even more, to speak to the thirsty souls.”  We saw this in action again and again, in the work of Dr Philip and Dr Males when they spent a week with us here at our clinic in Aleag. It was a huge honor

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Dear readers,     A early morning gate knock announced that a baby was about to be born. We hauled out of bed and scurried down to  clinic. About an hour later, a baby girl was born. After checking the mom again, we discovered, much to our surprise that she had twins. We got ready for

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Missionary, blan (White), nurse, PARENT?!  We’ve been called all of the above, but the last one came as an unexpected surprise. Life here in the Aleg mountains is never boring, especially now as we are short staffed. And it seems like the less people around to handle all the problems, the more of such we

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Update by Gloria

Hello everyone!    This finds us in just the start of rainy season here in Haiti  and also the start of a new year.  We all hope it’s a better  year for  Haiti.  This last year was not a easy one for a lot of people.   Some more changes have happened since we wrote

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